Dawn Hallybone, ICT Co-ordinator Oakdale Junior School, London Borough of Redbridge

I am currently the ICT co-ordinator at Oakdale Junior School, a position that I have held for 6 years and have been teaching for 12. I teach a Year 6 class and have been involved in the Boroughs first foray into the world of gaming using the DS consoles. I will be looking at how we managed to share 35 machines among 340 pupils using the Brain training programme and the effect this had on their learning. I hope to share my passion for both the use of games and consoles in the classroom and how both members of my own staff and teachers from across Redbridge have been inspired to give games based learning a go. As well as sharing how we overcame some of the technical difficulties in saving the data for such a large group of pupils I will be showing some of the work that using the consoles generated amongst the pupils, and their thoughts on how this games based learning is impacting on their education.